Working from Home
/So looks like we might be working from home for a while. Who knows, after things get back to “normal” you might decide you want to work part time or even full time at home. Personally, I wouldn’t cry if I didn’t have to get on the subway, like ever again. Most of us city dwellers don’t have a dedicated room for an office, so we have to be creative and find ways to carve out space for a small work area. Here are some of my favorite finds that are simple, minimal in design and small in footprint. Perhaps these images will inspire you to create an area in your home that is clean and well organized, one that will support your productivity. And remember, a clutter free desk is a clutter free mind.
Colin King
Bryant Alsop Architects
Inform Architects
Coco Lapine Design
Studio McGee
Robson Rak
Baxt Ingui Architects