Holistic Home Designer

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9 ways to Transform your bedroom into a zen retreat

Let’s be real, your bedroom might be the only place you can escape behind a closed door to have some alone time these days. Right now we are all working, eating , playing, fighting, doing it all under the same roof 24/7. You need a quiet place to retreat and wind down at the end of the day. When all your zoom calls are finished and necessary adulting is done for the day, you want to strip it all away and feel like you just stepped into your favorite oasis. It’s important to have a space that feels good, one that supports you, inspires and keeps you grounded. Now is a good time to organize, refresh and get your bedroom ready for the summer months. Here are 9 simple steps to lighten up your bedroom and make it feel like your favorite summer vacation.

1. Bedding





Rock Salt Lamp

Bedside Table


Bedside Rug

*all images linked to respective owners